Saturday, June 26th
BELGRADE CITY MUSEUM, 40b Resavska Street
13:00 – 15:00 – Performances

Birds’ Call and Songs (Orpheus’ tragedy), 2021
Performers: Lidija Antonović, Ljubica Damčević, Joana Knežević, Katarina Ranković, Đurđina Samardžić, Teodora Sarić, Olga Uzkaeva, Zoran Vasiljević

It is important to be aware of everything at all moments (extended), 2021
performance and installation
Courtesy of the artist

Occupied, 2021
performance and video
Courtesy of the artist

Born in 1978
Lives and works in New York, NY, USA and Paris, France

Balula presents a performance Bird Calls & Songs (The Tragedy of Orpheus) (2021) that involves the audience in an exchange with another non-human language: the work is based on the singing through which birds mark their territory, and thus is connected to themes of identity, migration and mixing, all featured in different ways in the exhibition.

Born in 1992
Lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia
With It is important that you are aware of everything at all times (2018-ongoing), the artist addresses the viewers directly, becoming the main character of a stream of consciousness that becomes a compilation, a reverse archive because it is projected towards the future and not the past, where the possibilities have no end but echo each other, in which everyone can recognize themselves.

Born in 1989
Lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia
By exploring seduction, narcissism, voyeurism and desire for self-determination, Radaković thus questions her own identity as a woman and artist, highlighting the contradictions of the mechanisms through which society exercises its control or makes its own judgment. The performance Occupied (2021) takes place physically in interstitial, non-conventional spaces between public and private. Radaković and a group of performers enact a paroxysmal performance of everyday gestures, at first sight ordinary, but which a persisting repetition makes alienating and disturbing. Visible in part live and in part in live streaming, the actions and performers play with the distance between the displayed and the concealed and with the tension between online and offline, in a game of mirrors of everyday life and theatrical representation.